Study abroad in US アメリカでの留学日記

アメリカカリフォルニアでの留学日記 diary of study abroad in CA, US

Life in CA about listening comprehension and dream job 留学開始から1週間 英語力と将来について

The weather is nice everyday. It isn't  humidity and isn't hot. I’ve already recovered from jatlag. And I haven’t got homesick yet. 
My class isn’t difficult and there is less homework more than l expected, so I have to try to improve my English skills proactively for myself. l am not good at listening so much, so in particular I have to practice to listen and understand what native speakers say on my own. But I also realized it's also difficult to listen and understand what non-native speakers say because we often make grammar mistakes and speak English with each native language's accent. However, I think it's really good experience when we work at Walt Disney World, because many non-native speakers also go there.
 I haven't decided my dream job yet, because I was interested in hospitality industry but now I feel like my interest is changing even though I am joining UCR program to learn hospitality. But it must be good experience for my life and it's also good to judge whether I should work hospitality industry or not in the future. So now I have to try hard to improve my listening skill and am get used to speaking English with people from various countries.