Study abroad in US アメリカでの留学日記

アメリカカリフォルニアでの留学日記 diary of study abroad in CA, US

Life in CA about listening comprehension and dream job 留学開始から1週間 英語力と将来について

The weather is nice everyday. It isn't  humidity and isn't hot. I’ve already recovered from jatlag. And I haven’t got homesick yet. 
My class isn’t difficult and there is less homework more than l expected, so I have to try to improve my English skills proactively for myself. l am not good at listening so much, so in particular I have to practice to listen and understand what native speakers say on my own. But I also realized it's also difficult to listen and understand what non-native speakers say because we often make grammar mistakes and speak English with each native language's accent. However, I think it's really good experience when we work at Walt Disney World, because many non-native speakers also go there.
 I haven't decided my dream job yet, because I was interested in hospitality industry but now I feel like my interest is changing even though I am joining UCR program to learn hospitality. But it must be good experience for my life and it's also good to judge whether I should work hospitality industry or not in the future. So now I have to try hard to improve my listening skill and am get used to speaking English with people from various countries. 

food in America アメリカの食生活 留学

Since l started to study abroad, five days has passed. My host mom always serves various types of foods to us even breakfast. Most of my friends also are staying with their host family, but they have to be prepare breakfast for theirselves. I think l’m lucky and l wanna say thank you to my host mom. This is my favorite my breakfast.
f:id:sevenko0509:20190920142313j:imageBacon, egg and hashed potato
f:id:sevenko0509:20190920142317j:imageFrench toast


The sounds of cooking and smell makes me hungry every morning. To communicate with my host mom l try to downstairs to eat breakfast as soon as possible and we ate breakfast for 15-20minutes. As for us it’s good time to communicate with each other. 

About lunch l and my room mate pack a lunch for ourselves everyday. We make a sandwich  all time. We bring a sandwich and fruit and sometimes snack. I don’t bring sometime snack everyday because l really care about my weight. I don’t wanna fat anymore.... My mom is very kind so she always puts tomato and lettuce in ziplock because they are too wet to sand with two slice of bread. So when we make sandwich we only put ham and cheese between two slice of bread.

Do you wanna know about supper?? I wanna write it  down, of course but there are too many things to do that when it comes to supper. So l might write an article only for dinner.

Homestay アメリカでのホームステイ

My home stay mom accepted me and my friends, so there are three people and one cat in our house. First l didn’t know what l should talk about during eating dinner but after starting University l started to talk about university life. For example the way of Chinese name’s pronounciation is difficult, l have a lot of homework or something like that. Even though my English has strong Japanese accent, my mother could understand what l say and it makes me confident to speak English. But l often disappointed my pronounsiation is completely different form native apeakr’s one. I have to record my English as a homework. When l watch the Video, l thought l should improve my English more and more.

about first class 語学学校

Finally classes have started. Our 500 class consists of many Chinese. I exchanged line to Ada. She is so cute so l thought she is Korean. I also talked with Tomoya-kun and Fer. Tomoya is from WASEDA. He must be smart. Fer is from el Salvador.  I didn’t know where it is. So l googled and he taught him. He was kind because he pulled my chair when l tried to sit. I don’t wanna video homework. It makes me realized how much my pronunciation is terrible. Anyway l am tired and l felt a sleep when l coming back to home by car. So l wanna go to bed as soon as l can. But already 12:00a.m. has passed. I must reduce the time of using my phone.

first day of school in US 留学 登校初日

Today is the first day of school. Our timetable said we have to go school by 8am, so I got up at 6a.m.But actually there was no need to go school so fast and it started 11a.m. So we had to kill time few hours around school. I wanted to sleep more😂Classes will start from tomorrow and l am not worried about classes so much. I am just worried about making friends a little. Anyway l found UCR will have a lot of exciting events during this semester so l want to join the as much as l can. Our host mom picks up is flexibly so l will be able to join a lot of activities if there is less homework. Our host mom is talkative and her stories are interesting but l don’t know how to answer. I have to remember what l learned at put class and speaking class.

my homestay mom ホストマザーについて

I started to be get used to talking with My host mother. But l often can’t understand  what she says , so l am worried about University life. I really want to join a club. I guess a lot of Japanese students start to study at UCR at the same time and most of them are gonna join SAKURA-BU. But l want to interact with people from other countries so l wonder if l join the club even though l’ve decided to join the club before coming here.Anyway my mom picks us up whenever we want, so l am happy because l can join any club. She also gives us a bottle of water everyday to save our money. She also said “optional trip is too expensive so l gonna take you  to shopping moll or somewhere we want to go.How kind she is! 

study abroad has started

Finally my study abroad has started!! My host mother, Ana is kind and loves Japan, so l was relieved. She says sometimes cooks Japanese food and eats out at Japanese restaurant. Today we ate out American restaurant. We ate corn bread, beef sic-hew, and cesar salad. I especially like salad. As a desert we chose a pie, but we took away the rest of salads and the pie. But she likes exercising, so l want to exercise with her. Anyway l am suffering from jet lag so much and l have to go to bed right now!


ついに念願のアメリカ留学が始まりました!ホストマザーはメキシコ出身の方なのですが、とても日本が好きで安心したし嬉しかったです。時々日本食を食べることもあるみたいで日本食シックになる心配は少ないかも^ ^初日は外食だったのですがアメリカでは残したものは持ち帰るのが普通みたいですね!
